Publication Process

The Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research follow the below publication process:  

  • Initial Submission: Upon submission, the manuscript undergoes an initial evaluation by the Editor-in-Chief to determine suitability for the journal.

  • Initial Feedback and Revision: If revisions are needed, authors receive feedback on strengths, weaknesses, and suggestions for improvement. Manuscripts lacking originality, containing major scientific flaws, requiring significant language improvements, or falling outside the journal's scope may be rejected.

  • Double-Blind Peer Review: Suitable manuscripts are reviewed by at least two external experts in a double-blind process. Reviewers provide feedback on the manuscript's scientific quality, originality, and clarity.

  • Revision and Resubmission: Authors have four weeks to make revisions based on reviewers' comments, using highlighting techniques and providing a detailed response to the feedback. Manuscripts returned after one month are treated as new submissions.

  • Final Decision: The handling editor reviews all reports and makes a final decision. Authors receive the decision along with reviewers' reports.

  • Technical Editing: Accepted manuscripts go through technical copy editing, English editing, and author proofreading before final publication.

  • Publication: Finalized articles are published online and in print.
  • Appeals: Authors can appeal rejection decisions within two months by contacting the Editor-in-Chief with a detailed justification and response to reviewers. The appeal process involves a review by a designated editorial team member, and the final decision by the Editor-in-Chief is binding.